Milena Adamczewska-Stachura

Milena Adamczewska-Stachura
28.08.2024 14:00-14:50
How not to let politicians run away from rainbow families?
Laura Adamkiewicz

Laura Adamkiewicz
26.08.2024 16:00-17:00
How to help and prevent? Suicide prevention in theory and practice
dr Magdalena Adamowicz

dr Magdalena Adamowicz
25.08.2024 13:00-14:00
"Why do autocrats need disinformation?" - a workshop with the active participation of participants who will practice the mechanism of disinformation on themselves - how it works, what it is for and how not to succumb to it.
25.08.2024 11:30-12:30
Pop culture of contempt: How to break the spiral of violence in public life?
Anna Andrych

Anna Andrych
24.08.2024 13:00-14:00
From START to UP. How to effectively use marketing in brand building and brand scaling?
dr Anne Applebaum

dr Anne Applebaum
28.08.2024 11:10-11:30
"Autokracja i jej skutki" rozmowa z Anne Applebaum
Magdalena Arendt

Magdalena Arendt
25.08.2024 19:00-20:00
#Porozmawiaj z notariuszem … na Campusie. Konkubinat, związki partnerskie, umowy partnerskie, pełnomocnictwa, testamenty, rozwody pozasądowe. Umówmy się na bezpieczną przyszłość.
Oliwia Aziz

Oliwia Aziz
25.08.2024 21:00-22:00
Influencer, aktywista, polityk - gdzie kończy się rozrywka, a zaczyna polityczny wpływ?
Jakub B. Bączek

Jakub B. Bączek
24.08.2024 13:00-14:00
The hater, the stalker, the cybervandal - how to deal with them?
24.08.2024 11:30-12:30
Utopia - to live in a diverse society
25.08.2024 11:30-12:30
Pop culture of contempt: How to break the spiral of violence in public life?
Mateusz Banasiuk

Mateusz Banasiuk
24.08.2024 14:15-15:15
Meeting with Magdalena Boczarska and Mateusz Banasiuk
23.08.2024 21:45-23:15
Spectacle "Wypiór"
Mirosław Bandzera

Mirosław Bandzera
26.08.2024 13:00-14:00
Wind Energy. Innovative jobs on the horizon
Wiktoria Baranowska

Wiktoria Baranowska
26.08.2024 13:00-14:00
Rower, hulajnoga transportem przyszłości Warmii i Mazur
Maciej Barański

Maciej Barański
25.08.2024 14:15-15:15
Social inclusion of diversity. Do adult education and business understand the place of diverse people?
Kornelia Bartoszewicz

Kornelia Bartoszewicz
26.08.2024 11:30-12:30
Living in the noise - how to filter and process information?
Paulina Basta

Paulina Basta
25.08.2024 16:00-17:00
What is readiness for a tomorrow that is constantly changing?
Maria Belka

Maria Belka
25.08.2024 16:00-17:00
What is readiness for a tomorrow that is constantly changing?
Jarosław Bełdowski

Jarosław Bełdowski
27.08.2024 19:00-20:00
Running a company in Poland - a piece of cake or a minefield?
dr Patryk Bender

dr Patryk Bender
25.08.2024 19:00-20:00
#Porozmawiaj z notariuszem … na Campusie. Konkubinat, związki partnerskie, umowy partnerskie, pełnomocnictwa, testamenty, rozwody pozasądowe. Umówmy się na bezpieczną przyszłość.
Edwin Bendyk

Edwin Bendyk
28.08.2024 14:00-14:50
Care as a tool for change or political bullshit?
28.08.2024 11:45-12:45
Social atlas of Artificial Intelligence
Artur Białkowski

Artur Białkowski
24.08.2024 13:00-14:00
Dieta, zdrowa głowa, ruch i regularne badania – jak to ogarnąć?
Daniel Bieganowski

Daniel Bieganowski
Daniel Bieganowski is a member of the SKILL Revision Committee. For several years, he has been involved in local organizations working for young people and disabled people. Daniel also has two years of international work experience at the National Democratic Institute, where he implemented programs on religious freedom, democracy promotion and youth involvement in politics. Daniel has also been working with politicians for over 6 years to improve the situation in his region.
Marta Bielecka
Marta Bielecka
26.08.2024 16:00-17:00
Jak przygotować się na przyszłość? – nowe kompetencje nowej ery
prof. Adam Bieranowski

prof. Adam Bieranowski
25.08.2024 19:00-20:00
#Porozmawiaj z notariuszem … na Campusie. Konkubinat, związki partnerskie, umowy partnerskie, pełnomocnictwa, testamenty, rozwody pozasądowe. Umówmy się na bezpieczną przyszłość.
Katarzyna Biniaszczyk

Katarzyna Biniaszczyk
28.08.2024 14:00-14:50
Start a career in EU structures. Why is it still worth it and why is it easier than you think? Part 2
28.08.2024 13:00-13:50
Start a career in EU structures. Why is it still worth it and why is it easier than you think? Part 1
Jakub Bińkowski

Jakub Bińkowski
24.08.2024 16:00-17:00
Jobs of the Future: how to find your way in a world of constant change?
Sylwia Błach

Sylwia Błach
27.08.2024 13:00-14:00
Behave yourself! A short guide on how to get along with a person with a disability.
28.08.2024 11:45-12:45
Social atlas of Artificial Intelligence
Katarzyna Błażejewska-Stuhr

Katarzyna Błażejewska-Stuhr
25.08.2024 11:30-12:30
The food production system as an important element in the fight for our future.
Andrzej Bobiński

Andrzej Bobiński
26.08.2024 11:30-12:30
Can Warsaw be a European tiger?
25.08.2024 20:15-21:15
Spotkanie Ministra Andrzeja Domańskiego
27.08.2024 16:00-17:00
"Nasłuch" Live on Campus
Magdalena Boczarska

Magdalena Boczarska
24.08.2024 14:15-15:15
Meeting with Magdalena Boczarska and Mateusz Banasiuk
23.08.2024 21:45-23:15
Spectacle "Wypiór"
Szymon Bogdanowicz

Szymon Bogdanowicz
25.08.2024 14:15-15:15
Social inclusion of diversity. Do adult education and business understand the place of diverse people?
dr hab. inż. Janusz Bohatkiewicz

dr hab. inż. Janusz Bohatkiewicz
26.08.2024 13:00-14:00
Rower, hulajnoga transportem przyszłości Warmii i Mazur
dr Michał Bomastyk

dr Michał Bomastyk
27.08.2024 11:30-12:30
Women and men in the world of the future. In search of new social roles and new relationships.
dr Michał Boni

dr Michał Boni
28.08.2024 11:10-11:30
"Autokracja i jej skutki" rozmowa z Anne Applebaum
28.08.2024 11:45-12:45
Trends in geopolitics
Piotr Borys

Piotr Borys
24.08.2024 13:00-14:00
Dieta, zdrowa głowa, ruch i regularne badania – jak to ogarnąć?
Oliwia Bosomtwe

Oliwia Bosomtwe
26.08.2024 11:30-12:30
Towards the Future: New Narratives about Roma Communities
Barbara Brodzińska-Mirowska

Barbara Brodzińska-Mirowska
25.08.2024 13:00-14:00
Why does the language of economics permeate everything?
Paula Bruszewska

Paula Bruszewska
27.08.2024 11:30-12:30
How to live in an era of technological change and geopolitical turmoil?
Szymon Bujalski

Szymon Bujalski
25.08.2024 11:30-12:30
The food production system as an important element in the fight for our future.
Grzegorz Bykowski

Grzegorz Bykowski
24.08.2024 11:30-12:30
What transport infrastructure does Poland need?
prof. Halina Car

prof. Halina Car
25.08.2024 13:00-14:00
Skuteczność profilaktyki i działań edukacyjnych
Karolina Centkowska

Karolina Centkowska
25.08.2024 11:30-12:30
The food production system as an important element in the fight for our future.
Michał Cessanis

Michał Cessanis
25.08.2024 11:30-12:30
Pop culture of contempt: How to break the spiral of violence in public life?
Anna Chaberek

Anna Chaberek
26.08.2024 13:00-14:00
You are the best at being yourself. What do Polish women think about maturity?
Arkadiusz Chęciński

Arkadiusz Chęciński
28.08.2024 14:00-14:50
Freedom, equality, acceptance – how to get involved locally in supporting diversity?
28.08.2024 13:00-13:50
Let's create better spaces together - how to save cities from concretosis?
Dominika Chirek

Dominika Chirek
27.08.2024 16:00-17:00
To drink or not to drink? Alcohol harms health.
prof. Agnieszka Chłoń -Domińczak

prof. Agnieszka Chłoń -Domińczak
28.08.2024 11:45-12:45
Trends in geopolitics
Jędrzej Chodziński

Jędrzej Chodziński
Jędrzej Chodziński, CEO of SKILL, has been involved in NGO sector for over 12 years. He has been in board of ESN and Polish Forum of Young Diplomats, and member of AIESEC and EDYN. In 2021 after the first edition of Campus Polska has decided, together with Michał Sandecki who he met there, to open their own NGO. Right now SKILL is a successful NGO that in 2023 organized or co-organized about 20 projects and is planning to organize more in 2024.
26.08.2024 16:00-17:00
Running an NGO in a nutshell
prof. Alicja Chybicka

prof. Alicja Chybicka
24.08.2024 13:00-14:00
Dieta, zdrowa głowa, ruch i regularne badania – jak to ogarnąć?
gen. Mieczysław Cieniuch

gen. Mieczysław Cieniuch
26.08.2024 17:15-18:15
Co ma wspólnego kryzys uchodźczy z balonem meteorologicznym – współczesna wojna hybrydowa i jej skutki
Włodzimierz Czarzasty

Włodzimierz Czarzasty
24.08.2024 17:15-18:15
Meeting with Włodzimierz Czarzasty
Magdalena Czarzyńska-Jachim

Magdalena Czarzyńska-Jachim
27.08.2024 13:00-14:00
Why do smart cities include locals?
Kamil Dąbrowa

Kamil Dąbrowa
25.08.2024 21:00-22:00
Zrównoważony rozwój: modny trend czy cywilizacyjne wyzwanie? Fakty i mity.
23.08.2024 18:30-19:30
From start-up to corporation
24.08.2024 20:00-21:00
Dialog w cyberprzestrzeni - czy możliwe jest prowadzenie dialogu obywatelskiego za pomocą mediów społecznościowych?
Anna Dąbrowska

Anna Dąbrowska
24.08.2024 14:15-15:15
Talk to Artificial Intelligence – How to Create an app with a voice Interface for Amazon Alexa?
24.08.2024 13:00-14:00
Talk to artificial intelligence - how to create a voice interface app for Amazon Alexa
Joanna Dębska

Joanna Dębska
25.08.2024 14:15-15:15
Social inclusion of diversity. Do adult education and business understand the place of diverse people?
Leszek Dowgiałło

Leszek Dowgiałło
26.08.2024 16:00-17:00
How to help and prevent? Suicide prevention in theory and practice
Magdalena Dropek

Magdalena Dropek
28.08.2024 13:00-13:50
Hate speech as a tool for electoral mobilization and demobilization. - Silesians, Germans, Ukrainians, LGBT+, Jews) - after the recent election campaigns
Jan Duma

Jan Duma
26.08.2024 14:15-15:15
How do you find out what people think? Take on the role of an opinion pollster.
Marcin Duma

Marcin Duma
26.08.2024 14:15-15:15
How do you find out what people think? Take on the role of an opinion pollster.
prof. Michael Dust

prof. Michael Dust
24.08.2024 16:00-17:00
How Europe is Preparing for the End of the Decade and What It Means for Global Relationships
Maria Ejchart

Maria Ejchart
She currently serves as Undersecretary of State at the Ministry of Justice. She is a lawyer specialising in human rights issues and her area of particular interest is the rights of persons deprived of their liberty. Since 2003, at the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights, she has coordinated the "Innocence" programme, which monitors cases of miscarriages of justice and supports wrongfully convicted persons. She has prepared reports on the state of human rights in Poland for national and foreign institutions. As an expert, she participated in the work of parliamentary teams. From 2015 to 2023 she was president of the Prof. Zbigniew Hołda Association. She is a co-founder of the civic initiative Free Courts.
23.08.2024 18:30-19:30
Kobiety w więzieniu
28.08.2024 19:00-20:00
"On two sides of the mirror - repairing the rule of law from different perspectives" - meeting with the four founders of Free Courts Foundation
dr Magdalena El Ghamari

dr Magdalena El Ghamari
27.08.2024 13:00-14:00
Women in the special services
Krzysztof Figlarz

Krzysztof Figlarz
25.08.2024 14:15-15:15
Young Voices: Shaping the Future of European Democracy
24.08.2024 20:00-21:00
Patriotyzm Gen Z, czyli co znaczy Ojczyzna dla młodego pokolenia?
Paulina Filipowicz

Paulina Filipowicz
25.08.2024 18:00-18:45
Edukacja Przyszłości
25.08.2024 21:00-22:00
Influencer, aktywista, polityk - gdzie kończy się rozrywka, a zaczyna polityczny wpływ?
27.08.2024 11:30-12:30
Yes, you can! Youth in socio-political life.
Maria Frączyk

Maria Frączyk
26.08.2024 14:15-15:15
Narzędzia cyfrowe w edukacji medycznej: efektywna organizacja i nauka
Barbara Frydrych

Barbara Frydrych
Since 2002 associated with museology; between 2010-2013 director of the Museum of the Kłodzko Region, 2013-2016 deputy director of the Museum of the City of Gdynia. Scholarship holder of the International Visitor Leadership Program (IVLP) at the invitation of the US Department of State on the topic of museum management. Since 2016, Director of the Mayor's Office for Culture at the Gdansk City Hall responsible for the implementation of the cultural policy of the City of Gdansk; originator of local government cultural programmes, including the Gdansk Open Laboratories, the Gdansk Collection of Contemporary Art, the Gdansk Publishing Fund, the Intangible Heritage of Gdansk. Member of the nationwide informal local government think-tank 'Coalition of Cities for Culture'.
27.08.2024 13:00-14:00
Coalition of Cities for Culture
Łukasz Gabler

Łukasz Gabler
24.08.2024 20:00-21:00
Dialog w cyberprzestrzeni - czy możliwe jest prowadzenie dialogu obywatelskiego za pomocą mediów społecznościowych?
Nina Gabryś-Janowska

Nina Gabryś-Janowska
28.08.2024 14:00-14:50
Care as a tool for change or political bullshit?
dr Tomasz Gajderowicz

dr Tomasz Gajderowicz
28.08.2024 11:45-12:45
Myths in education: inspiration or obstacle?
Antoni Gaweł

Antoni Gaweł
28.08.2024 14:00-14:50
Start a career in EU structures. Why is it still worth it and why is it easier than you think? Part 2
28.08.2024 13:00-13:50
Start a career in EU structures. Why is it still worth it and why is it easier than you think? Part 1
Marcin Giełzak

Marcin Giełzak
28.08.2024 11:45-12:45
Europe at crossroad - economic and political challenges and opportunities in medium- to long-term
Krzysztof Gil

Krzysztof Gil
26.08.2024 11:30-12:30
Towards the Future: New Narratives about Roma Communities
Włodzisław Giziński

Włodzisław Giziński
25.08.2024 13:00-14:00
Skuteczność profilaktyki i działań edukacyjnych
Anna Gnoińska

Anna Gnoińska
28.08.2024 13:00-13:50
Let's create better spaces together - how to save cities from concretosis?
Natalia Gnoińska

Natalia Gnoińska
27.08.2024 13:00-14:00
I know how to do it better! I will start my start-up
Michal Golos

Michal Golos
26.08.2024 13:00-14:00
Rower, hulajnoga transportem przyszłości Warmii i Mazur
Barbara Gołębiowska

Barbara Gołębiowska
24.08.2024 13:00-14:00
Time for Maria, or the phenomenon of Maria Skłodowska-Curie
dr Bartosz Gonczarek

dr Bartosz Gonczarek
26.08.2024 16:00-17:00
Jak przygotować się na przyszłość? – nowe kompetencje nowej ery
Jan Gondek

Jan Gondek
Jan Gondek is a second-semester student of Public Policy at Charles University, Faculty of Social Sciences. His main fields of focus are education policy, youth participation, and personal finance advisory. For the last two years, he has led the High School Council of the City of Prague, where he currently serves as head of the advisory board. He facilitates the creation and initial steps of regional youth councils throughout the Czech Republic. He is currently an ambassador for EDYN Czech Republic.
Ewelina Górecka

Ewelina Górecka
25.08.2024 16:00-17:00
20 years of Poland's membership in the European Union. Experiences from the membership negotiations period relevant to Ukraine's accession.
Karol Górnowicz

Karol Górnowicz
25.08.2024 16:00-17:00
What is readiness for a tomorrow that is constantly changing?
Małgorzata Gosztyła

Małgorzata Gosztyła
26.08.2024 16:00-17:00
How to help and prevent? Suicide prevention in theory and practice
mjr dr Anna Grabowska-Siwiec

mjr dr Anna Grabowska-Siwiec
27.08.2024 13:00-14:00
Women in the special services
Aleksandra Graczyk

Aleksandra Graczyk
Photographer, creator of the Mikrolove brand. I have been photographing professionally for 11 years. I graduated from the WFH Sopot School of Photography, which opened my eyes to reportage and street photography. Man has always been the most interesting subject for me, that's why I specialise in photographing couples, emotions and special moments, while I usually say that I ‘photograph feelings’, because they are the most important for me. I like to share my knowledge, which is why I run workshops and consultations for photographers, at all levels.
27.08.2024 13:00-14:00
From Emotion to Edition: how to build a unique style in photography
Sylwia Gregorczyk-Abram

Sylwia Gregorczyk-Abram
28.08.2024 14:00-14:50
Debata oksfordzka cz. II
28.08.2024 19:00-20:00
"On two sides of the mirror - repairing the rule of law from different perspectives" - meeting with the four founders of Free Courts Foundation
prof. Mirosław Grewiński
prof. Mirosław Grewiński
24.08.2024 11:30-12:30
Utopia - to live in a diverse society
prof. Tomasz Grodzki

prof. Tomasz Grodzki
27.08.2024 14:00-15:00
What healthcare system will work in Poland ?
Radosław Gruca

Radosław Gruca
25.08.2024 13:00-14:00
Let's play with our cards on the table - the importance of the Central Register of Contracts
Marcin Grygo

Marcin Grygo
25.08.2024 13:00-14:00
Let's play with our cards on the table - the importance of the Central Register of Contracts
Łukasz Grzędzicki

Łukasz Grzędzicki
25.08.2024 21:00-22:00
Czy Polska regionalna może być silnym państwem?
Sebastian Grzywacz

Sebastian Grzywacz
27.08.2024 13:00-14:00
Behave yourself! A short guide on how to get along with a person with a disability.
dr Michał Gulczyński

dr Michał Gulczyński
Michał Gulczyński has a PhD from the Bocconi University in Milan. His research focuses on the gendered aspects of migration, EU policies, education, poverty, voting behaviour and electoral systems. He is a co-founder of the Society to the Benefit of Boys and Men (Stowarzyszenie na rzecz Chłopców i Mężczyzn). He published a report on the gendered problems of men in Poland (“Przemilczane nierówności. O problemach mężczyzn w Polsce”).
25.08.2024 14:15-15:15
Young Voices: Shaping the Future of European Democracy
27.08.2024 11:30-12:30
Women and men in the world of the future. In search of new social roles and new relationships.
26.08.2024 18:30-19:30
The other side of gender inequalities: boys’ and men’s disadvantages in Europe
Georgia Hejduková

Georgia Hejduková
24.08.2024 19:00-20:00
Hate speech in democratic elections - who is really democratic?
Maja Herman

Maja Herman
27.08.2024 14:00-15:00
„Zdrowy dzień” – czyli w zasadzie jaki? Jak wykopać e-nałogi z naszego życia?
28.08.2024 11:45-12:45
How to heal psychiatry in schools?
Małgorzata Hołub-Kowalik

Małgorzata Hołub-Kowalik
24.08.2024 14:15-15:15
When does sports stop being healthy?
Paulina i Patrycja

Paulina i Patrycja
28.08.2024 14:00-14:50
How not to let politicians run away from rainbow families?
Toomas Hendrik Ilves

Toomas Hendrik Ilves
27.08.2024 9:30-10:30
Czy prywatne wiadomości naprawdę mogą pozostać prywatne? Przyszłość szyfrowania w Europie.
Krzystof Izdebski

Krzystof Izdebski
25.08.2024 13:00-14:00
Let's play with our cards on the table - the importance of the Central Register of Contracts
Klaudia Jachira

Klaudia Jachira
25.08.2024 13:00-14:00
Let's play with our cards on the table - the importance of the Central Register of Contracts
28.08.2024 13:00-13:50
Let's create better spaces together - how to save cities from concretosis?
dr Karol Jachymek

dr Karol Jachymek
25.08.2024 16:00-17:00
What is readiness for a tomorrow that is constantly changing?
Magdalena Jacyna

Magdalena Jacyna
28.08.2024 14:00-14:50
Start a career in EU structures. Why is it still worth it and why is it easier than you think? Part 2
28.08.2024 13:00-13:50
Start a career in EU structures. Why is it still worth it and why is it easier than you think? Part 1
Wojciech Jagielski

Wojciech Jagielski
26.08.2024 18:30-19:30
Meeting with literature: Wojciech Jagielski
Martyna Jałoszyńska

Martyna Jałoszyńska
A Warsaw City Councillor and Chairwoman of the Social Policy and Family Commission, she holds a degree in Polish philology and postgraduate degrees in promotion and advertising, as well as gender studies. Professionally, she coordinates international projects within non-governmental organizations. A feminist activist and educator, she is a member of the Razem party, an ambassador for the Polish branch of the European Democracy Youth Network, and a Vital Voices Global Fellowship recipient. Her political interests and activities primarily focus on social policy, women's rights, the rights of people with disabilities and seniors, and urban accessibility. She is a social assistant to Senator Magdalena Biejat.
25.08.2024 14:15-15:15
Young Voices: Shaping the Future of European Democracy
Weronika Jankowska-Tofani.

Weronika Jankowska-Tofani.
25.08.2024 16:00-17:00
What is readiness for a tomorrow that is constantly changing?
Piotr Jankowski

Piotr Jankowski
28.08.2024 14:00-14:50
Freedom, equality, acceptance – how to get involved locally in supporting diversity?
Michał Jaros

Michał Jaros
24.08.2024 14:15-15:15
#ReadyForDefense – A society prepared for war and the defense of economic prosperity
24.08.2024 16:00-17:00
Jobs of the Future: how to find your way in a world of constant change?
Agnieszka Jaworska-Martycz

Agnieszka Jaworska-Martycz
24.08.2024 14:15-15:15
Senior policy for the young? Intergenerational Poland = long-lived Poland
Agnieszka Jekiełek

Agnieszka Jekiełek
27.08.2024 14:00-15:00
Rural areas - perfect place for a young leader
Majka Jeżowska

Majka Jeżowska
25.08.2024 16:00-17:00
No Age Boundaries: Is an Ageism-Free Society a Utopia?
Dariusz Joński

Dariusz Joński
27.08.2024 16:00-17:00
How to build a fair state? Lessons from parliamentary scrutiny and the work of committees of inquiry.
Kamila Kadzidłowska

Kamila Kadzidłowska
26.08.2024 11:30-12:30
Are we ready for clean transportation zones in cities?
dr hab. Sławomir Kalinowski

dr hab. Sławomir Kalinowski
28.08.2024 11:45-12:45
Social atlas of Artificial Intelligence
dr Dorota Kalka

dr Dorota Kalka
28.08.2024 14:00-14:50
Freedom, equality, acceptance – how to get involved locally in supporting diversity?
Tomasz Kaniecki

Tomasz Kaniecki
Tomasz is a seasoned professional with almost a decade of experience in international organizations, focusing on European industrial policies. His career includes impactful tenures at the American Chamber of Commerce, the European Parliament, Minister of Foreign Affairs Radek Sikorski and Dentons. A contributor to Forbes, Euronews and an advisor to the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC), Tomasz now works as a Director at NOVE, a boutique public affairs firm in Brussels where he advises some of the largest European and US companies. A Polish national, Tomasz holds a Master’s degree in law. From 2016 to 2019, he contributed his insights as a board member of the EPP student association.
24.08.2024 16:00-17:00
How Europe is Preparing for the End of the Decade and What It Means for Global Relationships
Iga Karasińska

Iga Karasińska
Iga is a social change advocate with 8+ years of experience in the non-profit sector. She has a proven track record in designing and implementing social projects, fostering partnerships, and creating compelling content to raise awareness and drive engagement. As an EDYN member and FLEX alumna, Iga is passionate about youth empowerment and democracy. With a background in sociology from the University of Warsaw and ongoing legal studies, she brings a unique perspective to her work.
25.08.2024 14:15-15:15
Young Voices: Shaping the Future of European Democracy
Zuzanna Karcz

Zuzanna Karcz
24.08.2024 19:00-20:00
"We are not affected by this" - How to live in a world of many cultures and nationalities
Jakub Karnowski

Jakub Karnowski
25.08.2024 16:00-17:00
20 years of Poland's membership in the European Union. Experiences from the membership negotiations period relevant to Ukraine's accession.
Tomasz Karolak

Tomasz Karolak
27.08.2024 11:30-12:30
Women and men in the world of the future. In search of new social roles and new relationships.
26.08.2024 18:30-19:30
Local Government Tournament "Ten to One"
dr Mariusz Kaszubowski

dr Mariusz Kaszubowski
28.08.2024 11:45-12:45
How to heal psychiatry in schools?
Patrycja Kaszyńska

Patrycja Kaszyńska
26.08.2024 20:00
One Billion Rising - Only YES means CONSENT
25.08.2024 11:30-12:30
Pop culture of contempt: How to break the spiral of violence in public life?
dr Maciej Kawecki

dr Maciej Kawecki
27.08.2024 11:30-12:30
How to live in an era of technological change and geopolitical turmoil?
27.08.2024 14:00-15:00
Technological leadership: the key to Poland's future
dr Olga Kazalska

dr Olga Kazalska
28.08.2024 13:00-13:50
Let's create better spaces together - how to save cities from concretosis?
Myrosia Keryk

Myrosia Keryk
28.08.2024 13:00-13:50
Hate speech as a tool for electoral mobilization and demobilization. - Silesians, Germans, Ukrainians, LGBT+, Jews) - after the recent election campaigns
Lucyna Kicińska

Lucyna Kicińska
25.08.2024 14:15-15:15
Emotional first aid. How to provide peer support in a safe way
26.08.2024 14:15-15:15
Wspierająca szkoła – jak współpracować ze szkołą, by budować dobrostan dzieci i młodzieży
26.08.2024 16:00-17:00
How to help and prevent? Suicide prevention in theory and practice
Małgorzata Kidawa-Błońska

Małgorzata Kidawa-Błońska
28.08.2024 20:00-21:00
Na jakich wartościach zbudujemy nasz świat?
Marcel Kiełtyka

Marcel Kiełtyka
26.08.2024 13:00-14:00
Fact-checking vs. disinformation. How to check if politicians are telling the truth?
26.08.2024 11:30-12:30
Living in the noise - how to filter and process information?
Katarzyna Kierzek-Koperska

Katarzyna Kierzek-Koperska
24.08.2024 11:30-12:30
What transport infrastructure does Poland need?
Paulina Kieszkowska-Kanpik

Paulina Kieszkowska-Kanpik
28.08.2024 19:00-20:00
"On two sides of the mirror - repairing the rule of law from different perspectives" - meeting with the four founders of Free Courts Foundation
Katarzyna Kilarowska

Katarzyna Kilarowska
26.08.2024 14:15-15:15
Narzędzia cyfrowe w edukacji medycznej: efektywna organizacja i nauka
Marta Klepka

Marta Klepka
26.08.2024 16:00-17:00
#ByćKobietą on Tour - a journey about femininity and female power.
27.08.2024 19:00-20:00
On your own terms - about life choices, compromises, facing stereotypes and fighting for yourself
Jarosław Klimaszewski

Jarosław Klimaszewski
25.08.2024 21:00-22:00
Czy Polska regionalna może być silnym państwem?
dr Paweł Klonowski

dr Paweł Klonowski
26.08.2024 13:00-14:00
Rower, hulajnoga transportem przyszłości Warmii i Mazur
Tomasz Kloskowski

Tomasz Kloskowski
24.08.2024 11:30-12:30
What transport infrastructure does Poland need?
Jakub Kocjan

Jakub Kocjan
Jakub is a PhD student at the Institute of Law Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences, a graduate of the Faculty of Law and Administration at the University of Warsaw, and the Warsaw School of Economics. He was awarded the Tadeusz Mazowiecki Prize of the President of Warsaw "for pro-democratic and anti-fascist activities, and in particular for the active defense of the independence of the judiciary." Since his post-high school summer in 2017, when he co-organized spontaneous protests in defense of the judiciary, both his professional and academic life have been focused on the rule of law. He is a board member of the Akcja Demokracja Foundation, responsible for fundraising and compliance, and a campaigner for the rule of law.
25.08.2024 14:15-15:15
Young Voices: Shaping the Future of European Democracy
24.08.2024 20:00-21:00
Patriotyzm Gen Z, czyli co znaczy Ojczyzna dla młodego pokolenia?
Tomasz Kolankiewicz

Tomasz Kolankiewicz
25.08.2024 16:00-17:00
The magic of cinema in a grey reality
Michał Kołodziejczyk

Michał Kołodziejczyk
26.08.2024 16:00-17:00
Czy piłka nożna jest tylko dla mężczyzn?
26.08.2024 10:00-11:00
General session - coming soon!
Jan Komasa

Jan Komasa
25.08.2024 16:00-17:00
The magic of cinema in a grey reality
25.08.2024 14:15-15:15
Storytelling workshop with Jan Komasa
Michał Kontraktowicz

Michał Kontraktowicz
24.08.2024 11:30-12:30
Fur farming ban – two decades of struggle beyond divisions!
Ivan Korčok

Ivan Korčok
27.08.2024 10:30-11:30
In a World of Disruption: What Future Leaders Do We Need?
Robert Korzeniowski

Robert Korzeniowski
24.08.2024 7:00-7:30
Good morning Olsztyn!
24.08.2024 20:00-21:00
Spotkanie z Robertem Korzeniowskim
23.08.2024 18:00-18:30
Festival of colors with Olympic champion in walking Robert Korzeniowski
Władysław Kosiniak-Kamysz

Władysław Kosiniak-Kamysz
27.08.2024 17:00-18:00
Spotkanie z Władysławem Kosiniakem-Kamyszem
Karol Kosiorowski

Karol Kosiorowski
23.08.2024 18:30-19:30
Kobiety w więzieniu
25.08.2024 11:30-12:30
Pop culture of contempt: How to break the spiral of violence in public life?
Kacper Kostrzewa

Kacper Kostrzewa
26.08.2024 13:00-14:00
Wind Energy. Innovative jobs on the horizon
Adam Kostrzewski

Adam Kostrzewski
26.08.2024 14:15-15:15
How do you find out what people think? Take on the role of an opinion pollster.
Bartłomiej Kot

Bartłomiej Kot
26.08.2024 11:30-12:30
Not that Hybrid Anymore? How CEE Democracies Can Tackle Rising Kinetic Threat from Russia
24.08.2024 14:15-15:15
#ReadyForDefense – A society prepared for war and the defense of economic prosperity
Ola Kot

Ola Kot
25.08.2024 16:00-17:00
No Age Boundaries: Is an Ageism-Free Society a Utopia?
24.08.2024 20:00-21:00
Patriotyzm Gen Z, czyli co znaczy Ojczyzna dla młodego pokolenia?
24.08.2024 16:00-17:00
Jobs of the Future: how to find your way in a world of constant change?
Justyna Kowalczyk-Tekieli

Justyna Kowalczyk-Tekieli
28.08.2024 19:00-20:00
Spotkanie z Justyną Kowalczyk
Orestes Kowalski

Orestes Kowalski
24.08.2024 11:30-12:30
Fur farming ban – two decades of struggle beyond divisions!
Aga Kozak

Aga Kozak
27.08.2024 11:30-12:30
Women and men in the world of the future. In search of new social roles and new relationships.
st. chor. szt. rez. Katarzyna Kozłowska

st. chor. szt. rez. Katarzyna Kozłowska
24.08.2024 16:00-17:00
GROM - service, sacrifice, passion, adventure
Krzysztof Krawczyk

Krzysztof Krawczyk
28.08.2024 11:45-12:45
Competitiveness of the European economy
mjr rez. Mariusz Krawiec

mjr rez. Mariusz Krawiec
24.08.2024 16:00-17:00
GROM - service, sacrifice, passion, adventure
Zita Krotká

Zita Krotká
Zita Krotká serves as a Czech EU Youth Delegate, focusing on mental health and inclusive youth participation. She has presented youth standpoints at a round table with the First Lady of the Czech Republic and collaborates with the Ministries of Health and Education. Zita also contributes to developing the new youth strategy, ensuring young voices are heard in policymaking. With the EU elections, she has presented at high schools about the European Parliament and the opportunities the EU offers.
24.08.2024 19:00-20:00
Hate speech in democratic elections - who is really democratic?
ppłk rez. Andrzej Kruczyński

ppłk rez. Andrzej Kruczyński
24.08.2024 16:00-17:00
GROM - service, sacrifice, passion, adventure
Zuzanna Krzątała

Zuzanna Krzątała
26.08.2024 13:00-14:00
You are the best at being yourself. What do Polish women think about maturity?
25.08.2024 11:30-12:30
Współczesny wymiar empatii
25.08.2024 21:00-22:00
Zrównoważony rozwój: modny trend czy cywilizacyjne wyzwanie? Fakty i mity.
Katarzyna Kubacka-Seweryn

Katarzyna Kubacka-Seweryn
25.08.2024 19:00-21:30
Film and Debate: I Am a Fictional Character
Piotr Kuberka

Piotr Kuberka
24.08.2024 14:15-15:15
International career: necessary skills and challenges
Andrius Kubilius

Andrius Kubilius
Andrius Kubilius is a Lithuanian politician currently serving as a Member of the European Parliament. Kubilius was Prime Minister of Lithuania twice, first from 1999 to 2000 and again from 2008 to 2012. A member of the Homeland Union – Lithuanian Christian Democrats party, he has played a crucial role in Lithuania's European integration. At the European Parliament, Kubilius is a member of the Foreign Affairs Committee as well as the Human Rights Subcommittee. He is also a founder of the informal parliamentary network United4Ukraine.
27.08.2024 11:30-12:30
The Baltic States - all ahead!
Marcin Kuchciński

Marcin Kuchciński
26.08.2024 19:30-20:30
Regionalna Polityka spójności drogą do silnego państwa
Joanna Kuciel-Frydryszak

Joanna Kuciel-Frydryszak
27.08.2024 16:00-17:00
Mythical Poland of the Serfs
dr Joanna Kufel-Grabowska

dr Joanna Kufel-Grabowska
27.08.2024 11:30-12:30
Cancer is not a sentence! - In vitro oncoplasticity
Krystian Kulczycki

Krystian Kulczycki
25.08.2024 19:00-20:00
From Ties to Jeans: From Corporation to Startup
Maja Kuśnierz

Maja Kuśnierz
24.08.2024 16:00-17:00
Jobs of the Future: how to find your way in a world of constant change?
Iwona Kutyna

Iwona Kutyna
28.08.2024 19:00-20:00
"On two sides of the mirror - repairing the rule of law from different perspectives" - meeting with the four founders of Free Courts Foundation
Piotr Kwapisiewicz

Piotr Kwapisiewicz
28.08.2024 13:00-13:50
Hate speech as a tool for electoral mobilization and demobilization. - Silesians, Germans, Ukrainians, LGBT+, Jews) - after the recent election campaigns
dr Agnieszka Labus

dr Agnieszka Labus
24.08.2024 14:15-15:15
Senior policy for the young? Intergenerational Poland = long-lived Poland
Lukáš Langer

Lukáš Langer
Lukáš Langer, hails from Zlín in the Czech Republic and is currently a second-year law student. Throughout his life, Lukáš has been deeply engaged in student councils and student politics. His journey began at the council of his grammar school, where he played a pivotal role. He then helped establish a regional student council, where he served as president. Lukáš was later elected to the Board of the Czech Secondary Student Union and became the co-speaker of the Republic Forum of the Czech Council of Children and Youth.
Robert Latoś

Robert Latoś
26.08.2024 16:00-17:00
Jak przygotować się na przyszłość? – nowe kompetencje nowej ery
Andrzej Leder

Andrzej Leder
25.08.2024 13:00-14:00
Why does the language of economics permeate everything?
Michał Leksiński

Michał Leksiński
25.08.2024 19:00-20:00
The element of uncertainty. The art of adaptation in the mountains and beyond.
Maria Lengren

Maria Lengren
26.08.2024 14:15-15:15
"All the worlds of Thorghal" meeting with the works of Grzegorz Rosiński
Olga Leonowicz

Olga Leonowicz
27.08.2024 19:00-20:00
Moda na sukces. Jak różnią się drogi kobiet i mężczyzn w realizacji swoich planów i spełnianiu ambicji zawodowych.
Izabela Leszczyna

Izabela Leszczyna
27.08.2024 11:30-12:30
Cancer is not a sentence! - In vitro oncoplasticity
dr Aleksandra Lewandowska

dr Aleksandra Lewandowska
25.08.2024 14:15-15:15
The impact of war on children's mental health
Kaja Lewandowska

Kaja Lewandowska
25.08.2024 13:00-14:00
Digital art: graphic design from scratch
25.08.2024 14:15-15:15
Digital art: calligraphy from scratch
Franek Liberek

Franek Liberek
Franek is a second-year BSc Politics and Economics student at the LSE and the Co-President of the LSE Polish Business Society, who has a great passion for comparative politics and international economics. As a Speakers Officer at the 2024 Polish Economic Forum, Franek has worked alongside influential politicians and world-leading economists. Franek has also interned at the Bank of China and the National Bank of Poland.
28.08.2024 11:45-12:45
Europe at crossroad - economic and political challenges and opportunities in medium- to long-term
Pavel Linzer

Pavel Linzer
For more than 8 years, Pavel has been advocating for the meaningful involvement of young people in decision-making processes at all levels and creating conditions for their full self-realization and development of their potential. He is currently working towards this goal as a Board member of the Czech Council for Children and Youth, a delegate to the European Youth Forum and since the end of his mandate as a Czech UN Youth Delegate in April 2023, he is leading this programme as its coordinator.
Michał Litwiniuk

Michał Litwiniuk
26.08.2024 19:30-20:30
Regionalna Polityka spójności drogą do silnego państwa
dr Michał Lorbiecki

dr Michał Lorbiecki
28.08.2024 13:00-13:50
Let's create better spaces together - how to save cities from concretosis?
dr Katarzyna Lubnauer

dr Katarzyna Lubnauer
24.08.2024 11:30-12:30
The job market for Generation Z and future generations
24.08.2024 13:00-14:00
Dieta, zdrowa głowa, ruch i regularne badania – jak to ogarnąć?
Paweł Łangowski

Paweł Łangowski
24.08.2024 13:00-14:00
Dieta, zdrowa głowa, ruch i regularne badania – jak to ogarnąć?
Grzegorz Łapanowski

Grzegorz Łapanowski
25.08.2024 13:00-14:00
Skuteczność profilaktyki i działań edukacyjnych
Alicja Łepkowska-Gołaś

Alicja Łepkowska-Gołaś
24.08.2024 19:00-20:00
"We are not affected by this" - How to live in a world of many cultures and nationalities
27.08.2024 14:00-15:00
„Zdrowy dzień” – czyli w zasadzie jaki? Jak wykopać e-nałogi z naszego życia?
Agnieszka Łesiuk-Krajewska

Agnieszka Łesiuk-Krajewska
28.08.2024 16:15-17:15
80th anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising
Dorota Łoboda

Dorota Łoboda
28.08.2024 14:00-14:50
Debata oksfordzka cz. II
26.08.2024 18:30-19:30
Only YES means CONSENT
27.08.2024 14:00-15:00
Children in the InterNET
28.08.2024 13:00-13:50
Debata oksfordzka cz. I
Joanna Łopat

Joanna Łopat
24.08.2024 19:00-20:00
"We are not affected by this" - How to live in a world of many cultures and nationalities
Roman Łożyński

Roman Łożyński
26.08.2024 16:00-17:00
How will increasing digital competence help us ensure cyber security?
Łukasz Jacek Łukaszewski

Łukasz Jacek Łukaszewski
27.08.2024 16:00-17:00
To drink or not to drink? Alcohol harms health.
Wiesław Macherzyński

Wiesław Macherzyński
25.08.2024 11:30-12:30
The food production system as an important element in the fight for our future.
Aldona Machnowska-Góra

Aldona Machnowska-Góra
24.08.2024 16:00-17:00
Meeting with Marian Turski
27.08.2024 16:00-17:00
To drink or not to drink? Alcohol harms health.
Dorota Madej

Dorota Madej
28.08.2024 14:00-14:50
Tworzenie interaktywnych doświadczeń w rozszerzonej rzeczywistości
28.08.2024 13:00-13:50
Od pomysłu do aplikacji - szybki start z językiem Swift dla przyszłych programistów
Marta Magott

Marta Magott
28.08.2024 14:00-14:50
Freedom, equality, acceptance – how to get involved locally in supporting diversity?
dr Konrad Maj

dr Konrad Maj
27.08.2024 11:30-12:30
How to live in an era of technological change and geopolitical turmoil?
28.08.2024 11:45-12:45
Social atlas of Artificial Intelligence
Antonina Majchrzak

Antonina Majchrzak
Antonina Majchrzak is currently part of the Polish think tank, Forum Energii. As a former youngest councilor of the City of Łódź, she served as the chairwoman of the environmental protection committee. Since 2018, she has been involved in mentoring projects for youth. Former candidate for the Civic Platform to the Polish Parliament (Sejm).
25.08.2024 14:15-15:15
Young Voices: Shaping the Future of European Democracy
25.08.2024 21:00-22:00
Influencer, aktywista, polityk - gdzie kończy się rozrywka, a zaczyna polityczny wpływ?
Marta Majchrzak

Marta Majchrzak
26.08.2024 13:00-14:00
You are the best at being yourself. What do Polish women think about maturity?
Agnieszka Majewska

Agnieszka Majewska
27.08.2024 19:00-20:00
Running a company in Poland - a piece of cake or a minefield?
Anna Makówka-Kwapisiewicz

Anna Makówka-Kwapisiewicz
28.08.2024 13:00-13:50
Hate speech as a tool for electoral mobilization and demobilization. - Silesians, Germans, Ukrainians, LGBT+, Jews) - after the recent election campaigns
Piotr Malepszak

Piotr Malepszak
24.08.2024 11:30-12:30
What transport infrastructure does Poland need?
Marta Malikowska

Marta Malikowska
24.08.2024 19:00-20:00
My love: cinema and theatre
23.08.2024 18:30-19:30
Kobiety w więzieniu
Kacper Malinowski

Kacper Malinowski
24.08.2024 11:30-12:30
The job market for Generation Z and future generations
Wojciech Marczewski

Wojciech Marczewski
Wojciech is an alumnus of the University College London and a master’s student at the LSE, studying MSc European and International Public Policy. During the 2024 LSE Polish Economic Forum Wojciech served as the Head of Sponsorship and Finance of the LSE Polish Business Society. Outside academia Wojciech has also worked for ECFR, PISM, and a Deputy Speaker of the Polish Sejm, and has published articles in Onet and Liberté!.
28.08.2024 11:45-12:45
Europe at crossroad - economic and political challenges and opportunities in medium- to long-term
Wojciech Martynowicz

Wojciech Martynowicz
24.08.2024 11:30-12:30
Intelligence Game - Facts and Myths
st. chor. szt. rez. Paweł Mateńczuk

st. chor. szt. rez. Paweł Mateńczuk
24.08.2024 16:00-17:00
GROM - service, sacrifice, passion, adventure
dr Anna Materska-Sosnowska

dr Anna Materska-Sosnowska
25.08.2024 11:30-12:30
Współczesny wymiar empatii
Dariusz Mazurkiewicz

Dariusz Mazurkiewicz
25.08.2024 11:30-12:30
What will the wallet of the future look like?
Roberta Metsola

Roberta Metsola
28.08.2024 17:30-18:30
Meeting with Roberta Metsola - President of the European Parliament
Natalia Mielech

Natalia Mielech
Europeanist, lawyer and translator with over 16 years of experience working in the field of EU policies and law. She supports companies and NGOs in public affairs and advocacy activities working with Lukaszewicz & Partners. She shares her passion for the European Union by running the I speak Europe profile on Instagram.
27.08.2024 9:30-10:30
Czy prywatne wiadomości naprawdę mogą pozostać prywatne? Przyszłość szyfrowania w Europie.
Vladimir Milov

Vladimir Milov
Vladimir Milov is a Russian opposition politician, publicist, economist, and energy expert. In 1997-2002, Mr. Milov had worked with the Russian Government (Federal Energy Commission and Ministry of Energy), including being a Deputy Energy Minister in 2002. He was the author of concept of breaking up and unbundling Gazprom vetoed by Vladimir Putin. Later, Mr. Milov became one of the major public critics of Vladimir Putin, working closely with late opposition politician Boris Nemtsov, and later - as an advisor to the late Russian opposition leader Alexey Navalny. Research Associate at the Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies in Brussels, Vice President of the Free Russia Foundation (Washington D.C.). Currently based in Vilnius, Lithuania
26.08.2024 11:30-12:30
Not that Hybrid Anymore? How CEE Democracies Can Tackle Rising Kinetic Threat from Russia
Dorota Minta

Dorota Minta
25.08.2024 14:15-15:15
Social inclusion of diversity. Do adult education and business understand the place of diverse people?
Małgorzata Miś

Małgorzata Miś
24.08.2024 14:15-15:15
Senior policy for the young? Intergenerational Poland = long-lived Poland
Aleksander Miszalski

Aleksander Miszalski
25.08.2024 21:00-22:00
Czy Polska regionalna może być silnym państwem?
26.08.2024 18:30-19:30
Local Government Tournament "Ten to One"
prof. Stanisław Mocek

prof. Stanisław Mocek
25.08.2024 11:30-12:30
Pop culture of contempt: How to break the spiral of violence in public life?
Anna Montasser

Anna Montasser
26.08.2024 11:30-12:30
Are we ready for clean transportation zones in cities?
Oliwia Myczkowska

Oliwia Myczkowska
24.08.2024 20:00-21:00
Patriotyzm Gen Z, czyli co znaczy Ojczyzna dla młodego pokolenia?
Adrian Najczuk

Adrian Najczuk
Adrian is a Data Engineer at Ring team. He supports teams working on machine learning projects on early phases of data processing and preparation. Before that, for 10 years, he has been working in numerous companies from retail and e-commerce industries helping these organizations to turn data into knowledge. As a side-hustle he has been a programming teacher for 3 years.
24.08.2024 14:15-15:15
Talk to Artificial Intelligence – How to Create an app with a voice Interface for Amazon Alexa?
24.08.2024 13:00-14:00
Talk to artificial intelligence - how to create a voice interface app for Amazon Alexa
Agnieszka Nalewczyńska

Agnieszka Nalewczyńska
27.08.2024 20:00-21:00
Will the young always be healthy? - prevention discussion
prof. Sergiusz Nawrocki

prof. Sergiusz Nawrocki
27.08.2024 14:00-15:00
„Zdrowy dzień” – czyli w zasadzie jaki? Jak wykopać e-nałogi z naszego życia?
Dorota Niedziela

Dorota Niedziela
27.08.2024 20:00-21:00
Debata marszałków. Jakie wyzwania przed Sejmem?
Małgorzata Niemczyk

Małgorzata Niemczyk
25.08.2024 18:45-20:00
"Friends of the Campus" volleyball match featuring Paweł Papke and Małgorzata Niemczyk
26.08.2024 10:00-11:00
General session - coming soon!
Jolanta Niezgodzka

Jolanta Niezgodzka
25.08.2024 13:00-14:00
Sex & the City. Does the City have Sex?
28.08.2024 14:00-14:50
Care as a tool for change or political bullshit?
27.08.2024 13:00-14:00
Why do smart cities include locals?
Johan Norberg

Johan Norberg
Writer, lecturer and documentary filmmaker born in Sweden. Throughout his career he has published some twenty books, earning glowing reviews from world-renowned intellectuals including Steven Pinker and Matt Ridley, as well as from entrepreneurs such as Elon Musk and Bill Gates. Author of works on global economics and popular science, including the publications “The Capitalist Manifesto. Why the Global Free Market Will Save the World” (2023), “Open – the Story of Human Progress” (2020), and “Progress: Ten Reasons to Look Forward to the Future (2016)”. He holds an MA in the History of Ideas from Stockholm University and collaborates with the Cato Institute in Washington.
28.08.2024 14:00-14:50
Will the global free market save the World? A Meeting with the Author of the "Capitalist Manifesto"
Barbara Nowacka

Barbara Nowacka
25.08.2024 18:00-18:45
Edukacja Przyszłości
27.08.2024 19:00-20:00
Moda na sukces. Jak różnią się drogi kobiet i mężczyzn w realizacji swoich planów i spełnianiu ambicji zawodowych.
dr Magdalena Nowacka

dr Magdalena Nowacka
28.08.2024 14:00-14:50
Freedom, equality, acceptance – how to get involved locally in supporting diversity?
dr Bartłomiej Nowak

dr Bartłomiej Nowak
26.08.2024 13:00-14:00
Europe's next decade: in what direction?
ks. dr Arkadiusz Nowak

ks. dr Arkadiusz Nowak
27.08.2024 20:00-21:00
Will the young always be healthy? - prevention discussion
dr Martyna Nowak

dr Martyna Nowak
24.08.2024 13:00-14:00
Dieta, zdrowa głowa, ruch i regularne badania – jak to ogarnąć?
Szymon Ogłaza

Szymon Ogłaza
26.08.2024 14:15-15:15
Laboratorium samorządowe
26.08.2024 18:30-19:30
Local Government Tournament "Ten to One"
Małgorzata Ohme

Małgorzata Ohme
27.08.2024 11:30-12:30
How to live in an era of technological change and geopolitical turmoil?
Marzena Okła-Drewnowicz

Marzena Okła-Drewnowicz
24.08.2024 14:15-15:15
Senior policy for the young? Intergenerational Poland = long-lived Poland
26.08.2024 11:30-12:30
Lonely as a Pole
dr Magdalena Okulowska

dr Magdalena Okulowska
Graduate of the Faculty of Philology at the University of Wroclaw, specialising in Journalism and Social Communication. In 2010 obtained a PhD in social communication. From 2005 to 2018 employed at the Municipality of Wroclaw. From 2013 as the Mayor’s Department Deputy Director she coordinated the work of the departments of Promotion, Social Communication and International Cooperation. From 2018 to 2019 responsible for marketing and public relations of the Wroclaw Technology Park. Since December 1, 2019, President of the Board of Wroclaw Agglomeration Development Agency.
27.08.2024 13:00-14:00
I know how to do it better! I will start my start-up
Paweł Olszewski

Paweł Olszewski
26.08.2024 16:00-17:00
How will increasing digital competence help us ensure cyber security?
Jan Łukasz Ołdakowski

Jan Łukasz Ołdakowski
28.08.2024 16:15-17:15
80th anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising
Renata Orłowska

Renata Orłowska
27.08.2024 13:00-14:00
Behave yourself! A short guide on how to get along with a person with a disability.
amb. Tomasz Orłowski

amb. Tomasz Orłowski
24.08.2024 14:15-15:15
Public and social diplomacy in the service of modern international contacts.
24.08.2024 13:00-14:00
Diplomatic protocol as the art of achieving goals in foreign policy
Maciej Otrębski

Maciej Otrębski
25.08.2024 11:30-12:30
The food production system as an important element in the fight for our future.
Paweł Papke

Paweł Papke
25.08.2024 18:45-20:00
"Friends of the Campus" volleyball match featuring Paweł Papke and Małgorzata Niemczyk
Wioletta Paprocka-Ślusarska

Wioletta Paprocka-Ślusarska
25.08.2024 11:30-12:30
Resilience in times of (pre) war
Jakub Parys

Jakub Parys