
Akcja Demokracja

Akcja Demokracja was established in 2015 to give people who share similar values the opportunity to act together. They are changing Polish reality! They want justice, respect for the rights of all people and effective environmental protection. Using modern technologies, together they take coordinated actions for a better, more just society. Their activities in the field, starting from the campaign before the 2023 parliamentary elections, are supported by the nationwide movement of Social Democracy Action Staff.

Dobra Fundacja

Dobra Foundation works for a better professional environment, full of acceptance, respect and support, in which mobbing is not allowed.

Group of the European People's Party

The Group of the European People's Party (EPP Group) is the largest and oldest faction in the European Parliament. As a center-right group, they are committed to the idea of creating a stronger Europe based on its citizens. After all, it is people who create the economy, and the European Union is one of the largest economies in the world. Their goal is to create a more competitive and democratic Europe where people can build the lives they want. They want to give everyone an equal chance to succeed, including family and small businesses, innovators, inventors, researchers, scientists and the self-employed. At the same time, they want to provide a sense of security to anyone struggling with problems.

FEDERA Foundation for Women and Family Planning

The FEDERA Foundation for Women and Family Planning (formerly Federation) is a non-governmental organization operating since 1991 fighting for reproductive justice. FEDERA works for reproductive health and rights, including: the right to terminate pregnancy without giving a reason, free of charge, realistically available; improving the quality of health care for girls and women in the field of reproductive health; treating infertility and preventing women's diseases.



Supporting children and young people, creating conditions for their comprehensive development, including intellectual, sports, social and artistic development, as well as taking care of their health, mental and psychological well-being, and supporting them in choosing and building a future professional career.

Avalon Foundation

They work to change the world - they want it to be more friendly to people with disabilities!

Jerzy Juzoń Educational Foundation

The goal of FEJJ is to equalize opportunities in access to education. Their philosophy is based on the belief in a society of equal opportunities, where place of birth does not determine success in life Jerzy Juzoń Educational Foundation since 2012 awards scholarships to male and female students from small towns or rural areas who are starting their studies at a Polish university but lack the funds to fulfill their dreams of obtaining higher education.

Foundation for Social Education

The Foundation for Social Education has been working for 21 years to increase society's knowledge about social problems and public health. The Foundation conducts educational activities in the field of mental health, psychosexual health, counteracting addictions to psychoactive substances and behavioral addictions. It deals with comprehensive prevention of HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases, offering continuously since 2004, universal, free and anonymous testing. FES also provides extensive psychological, legal and social support for people living with HIV.

Fundacja Polska Bezgotówkowa

The Cashless Poland Foundation undertakes activities in the field of development of cashless payments in Poland, in particular by expanding the network of acceptance of payment instruments and promoting and developing cashless payments among Polish entrepreneurs and consumers, as well as activities for building technological innovations in payments.

School of Leaders Zbigniew Pełczyński Foundation

The School for Leaders is the oldest leadership education center in Poland. Since 1994, it has been working to develop conscious, values-based leadership. It cares about the quality of public life in Poland and among Poles abroad. It finds and supports leaders in various areas of public life: in non-governmental organizations, local government institutions and in political parties and organizations. The Foundation believes that it is people with leadership skills who are the driving force of change by drawing others along with them.

Economic Freedom Foundation

The goal of the Economic Freedom Foundation is to strive for Poland to be a country where society enjoys a high level of economic freedom and other individual freedoms. The mission of the Foundation is to engage in the most valuable initiatives for economic freedom and to create a space for cooperation and integration of free market supporters.

MANKO Association

MANKO Association

The MANKO Association has been involved in senior policy for 15 years - education, activation and defense of the rights of the elderly, as well as counteracting digital, linguistic, economic and infrastructural exclusion. Through numerous tools and projects, it reaches over 1.5 million seniors annually. The Association publishes a free magazine "Głos seniora", cooperates with local governments in the area of the National Senior Card and organizes Senioralia. For 8 years, it has also been running the campaign SAFE SENIOR - Stop Manipulations - Don't Let Yourself Be Cheated.

Institute of Public Finance

The Institute of Public Finance (IFP) is a watch dog think-tank operating for the public benefit - an expert and analytical center that represents the interests of society and citizens and actively participates in public debate. It’s an independent and non-partisan non-governmental organization whose main goals include: monitoring the condition and transparency of public finances, fact-checking and counteracting populism in public life, and supporting democracy, the rule of law and civil society.

Poland-Ukraine Institute

The "Poland-Ukraine Institute" Foundation has been operating since 2019 to inform, adapt and advocate the Ukrainian community in Poland, as well as Polish-Ukrainian dialogue. The main project of the organization is the portal UAinKrakow.pl, which is one of the largest Ukrainian media in Poland.

Equality Institute

Equality Institute

The Equality Institute is a collective with diverse passions, views and experiences that share one goal - spreading the idea of equality. They want a world that is safe for everyone regardless of gender, age, origin, sexual orientation, religion or health condition. They have been fighting prejudice since 2018, mainly in Zielona Góra and the Lubusz Voivodeship. In addition to organizing events, they work locally, spread awareness and knowledge about LGBT+ people, sexuality, mental health, menstrual poverty, organize equality marches, strive for equal rights for unprivileged groups, and cooperate with extraordinary people - artists, craftsmen, activists and politicians. They also have a medical program council, which includes doctors, gynecologists, psychologists and therapists.

Campaign Against Homophobia

Campaign Against Homophobia is one of the most effective organizations working for the LGBT+ community in Poland. They operate in the field of political advocacy at the national and international level, legal proceedings and support the LGBT+ movement. Since the founding of KPH in 2001, they have had a clear goal - they want to build a Poland of equal rights, where respect and dignity are guaranteed to everyone regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity and gender characteristics. The change they are fighting for requires commitment and strength. And that's what KPH is - committed and strong. They are advocates and advocates for the LGBT+ community. Together they build a fair and open society.

Committee for the Defence

Committee for the Defence

The Committee for the Defence of Democracy is an association promoting attitudes that support the development of a democratic state of law. Key areas of activity: defending the rule of law, defending media freedom, building civic understanding, cooperation with all partners on the democratic side who have set themselves the goal of rebuilding and building the rule of law. Two-time winner of the European Citizens' Prize awarded by the European Parliament.

Legal Advisers

Legal Advisers

Legal Advisers is a group of professional attorneys who provide legal assistance every day, representing clients before courts and authorities to best protect their interests. At Campus Polska, they promote the profession of legal adviser and legal counsel training as the best investment in oneself after law studies. They are socially engaged, fighting for human rights and against social exclusion. They create a modern professional self-government that responds to the needs of young law students, while modernizing and supporting their development.

Love Does Not Exclude

Love Does Not Exclude (MNW) - for over 13 years they have been working to ensure that same-sex couples, including those raising children together, can finally get married in their own country and live safely in Poland. They help understand, build a community of LGBT+ people throughout Poland and change the law. They introduced the concept of marriage equality into the public debate, developed the Warsaw LGBT+ Declaration and formed a winning coalition, thanks to which the Court in Strasbourg ordered Poland to provide legal protection for rainbow families.

We, Parents

We, Parents - an association of mothers, fathers and allies of LGBTQIA people has been operating throughout Poland for 6 years. It supports parents and children on their way to understanding and accepting psychosexual orientation and gender identity. It shows diversity in the family and respect for minorities. The association organizes regional groups self-help and national congresses of parents and allies. Conducts educational projects for families and loved ones, as well as for everyone who wants to know.

OFF School

A foundation involved in social projects for young people. Open to the education of the future, attentive to the reality around them, which is constantly accelerating, which is why they create solutions that will allow them to keep up with it. They create and implement non-standard projects that affect young people, parents and their older co-workers on the labor market. They overthrow stereotypes regarding education and traditional upbringing. They believe that strength lies in diversity. They enable young people to acquire new skills that allow them to find their place in today's world, in which the dominant variable is... quick adaptation to change.

National Women's Strike

They have been fighting for women's rights for eight years now. The National Women's Strike is a grassroots, independent social movement that was founded in 2016. It was then, on Black Monday, October 3, that thousands of women in over 200 cities in Poland and abroad took to the streets to protest against the barbaric anti-abortion bill. This is how a new civic force and a new women's movement were born. What is the OSK fighting for? First and foremost, for full reproductive rights - legal, safe and free abortion. For full rights for LGBT+, securing the needs of people with disabilities and their families, the separation of the Catholic Church from the state, modern education.

OTOZ Animals

OTOZ Animals is a public benefit organization whose mission is to save harmed animals. It runs 10 shelters for homeless animals. Animal Protection Inspectorates, which intervene in cases involving inhumane treatment of animals, are also important for its activities. In 2023 alone, they carried out 5,348 interventions and rescued and adopted 6,755 dogs and cats.

The Youth Parliament of the Republic of Poland is a nationwide initiat

The Youth Parliament of the Republic of Poland is a nationwide initiat

The Youth Parliament of the Republic of Poland is a nationwide initiative bringing together young people interested in politics, social issues and civic activism. Its goal is to promote dialogue between young people and decision-makers, and to support young people's involvement in decision-making processes.


“PiESEL - give the animal an identity" is a social campaign to introduce the obligation to permanently mark (chip) dogs and cats and register them along with the data of their guardians in a nationwide electronic database. This is an extremely important initiative created by a group of 11 women who has a chance to strengthen the legal protection of animals. Microchipping dogs and cats will protect them from suffering or loss of health or even life resulting from straying, abandonment or theft. Mandatory microchipping will reduce the phenomenon of homelessness, and thus relieve the municipalities financially. It will also strengthen the prevention of prohibited acts against animals, make it easier to disclose them and identify perpetrators of animal cruelty crimes, and help detect illegal breeding of dogs and cats.

Polish Smog Alert

Polish Smog Alert (PAS) is an initiative bringing together civic movements concerned about poor air quality in Poland. The goal of PAS is to bring the air quality to a state that does not pose a threat to the health and life of people living in Poland. They strive to achieve air quality that meets the standards applicable in our country. Polish Smog Alert is a non-partisan organization cooperating with local governments, non-governmental organizations and scientific communities, as well as with everyone who cares about clean, pollution-free air, as well as the health of Polish citizens.

Animal Lawyers

They strive for positive changes and building social awareness in the field of legal protection of animals. They organize and support various initiatives to improve the establishment and application of laws regulating the situation of animals. To this end, they educate, review legal acts, conduct training and lectures, as well as provide pro bono legal advice and support organizations and individuals in criminal, civil and administrative proceedings relating to animal protection. On their website, they have also created a nationwide search engine for lawyers who are ready to help and represent the interests of animals before courts and public administration bodies.


SEXED.PL is more than a foundation. It’s a multimedia platform that provides young people, parents and adults with comprehensive, age-appropriate education in the field of human rights, gender equality, relationships and reproduction. It informs about the risks related to sexual life, presenting sex and sexuality in a positive way, emphasizing values such as mutual respect, inclusiveness, equality, empathy and responsibility.

STOMA life

Their mission is to increase social acceptance of stomates and improve the quality of life of people living with a stoma. They strive to achieve this through extensive public education, debunking myths about stomas and promoting the integration of people with a stoma. They want every person with a stoma to feel fully accepted, independent and strong, both emotionally and socially.

Strefa Młodzi Wiedzą

Strefa Młodzi Wiedzą

The project was created with young people from the Pomeranian Voivodeship in mind, especially activists from youth councils of communes, cities, counties and the Youth Assembly of the Pomeranian Voivodeship, as well as school governments and youth organizations. The invitation is also addressed to community activists, volunteers and all those who want to start civic activity. The work is carried out in a workshop and debate system to acquire new skills and improve those that already exist. The program of events is always created in close cooperation with local youth and concerns, among others, transport exclusion, peer mediation, women's rights, mental health and ecology.

Towards Dialogue Foundation

The Towards Dialogue Foundation was founded in 2012 and is a leading organization working with and for the Roma community in Poland. It carries out advocacy activities, provides help, and responds to inequalities, it educates, puts agency in people's hands. It operates at the national and international level. The foundation runs in Warsaw Roma Community Center. It’s building the future Poland– diverse, open and multicultural, in where the Roma community is treated equally to others.

Free Courts Foundation

The Free Courts Foundation is a group of lawyers working to protect the rule of law and human rights in Poland. It pursues its goals primarily through educational activities related to increasing society's knowledge about the key nature of judicial independence for a law-abiding and democratic state and the broadly understood protection of human rights and civil liberties - bringing these issues closer to citizens in a clear and graphic way on social media. Lawyers from the Free Courts acted as attorneys-in-fact before the Court of Justice of the European Union in Luxembourg in preliminary ruling proceedings regarding the independence of the judiciary. They also have extensive experience in conducting strategic disputes before the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg.


For 60 years, the mission of the international organization WWF has been to work for a future in which humans live in harmony with nature. After all, we are fully dependent on the state of our environment. This is why they save the most valuable natural places in over 100 countries on 6 continents. They are not alone. They do this thanks only to the support of over 5 million donors around the world.

Society for the Protection of Children's Rights and Dignity

Society for the Protection of Children's Rights and Dignity "Wyspa"

TOPiGD "Wyspa", or the Society for the Protection of Children's Rights and Dignity "Wyspa", is a non-profit organization founded in 1990, operating at the local level, striving to provide support and development opportunities for children and young people. The mission of "Wyspa" is to create a safe environment free from prejudice and hatred, in which young people can develop in a sustainable way. It focuses its activities on working with children at risk of social exclusion, and also has extensive experience in organizing international exchanges.